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YEAr 4

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Our Topic this term is: Misty Mountain, Winding River

This project teaches children about the characteristics and features of rivers and mountain ranges around the world, including a detailed exploration of the ecosystems and processes that shape them and the land around them.


These activities are for you to do at home with an adult. You can do all of them or choose the ones that you find most interesting.

1. River Research Project

  • Task: Choose a famous river (e.g., the Amazon, Nile, or Thames). Write 5 facts about it, including its length, location, and one animal or plant found there.

  • Creative Twist: Create a "postcard" from the river describing what makes it special.

2. Mountain Range Collage

  • Task: Create a collage or poster of a famous mountain range (e.g., the Himalayas, Rockies). Include photos, drawings, or facts about the plants and animals found there.

​3 Mountain Layers Investigation

  • Task: Draw a cross-section of a mountain showing its layers (soil, rock, snow). Label each layer and explain how they were formed.

  • Challenge: Add where plants and animals are most likely to live on the mountain.

​4  Famous Peaks Quiz

  • Task: Research 3 famous peaks. Write down their names, locations, and heights. Create a multiple-choice quiz for a family member to guess the answers.

​5  World Explorer Passport

  • Task: Pretend you’re an explorer visiting both a river and a mountain. Create a “passport” with facts about one river and one mountain range, including a “stamp” or drawing for each.

​6  Art and Craft: Diorama

  • Task: Make a 3D model or diorama of a river and mountain landscape. Add labels for features like waterfalls, valleys, and peaks.

7  DIY Water Cycle Model

  • Task: Use household items to create a simple model showing evaporation, condensation, and precipitation. Draw or take photos of your model and explain each stage in a short paragraph.

8 Life at High Altitudes

  • Task: Write a diary entry from the perspective of a mountain animal (e.g., a snow leopard or mountain goat). Describe your day, challenges, and how you survive.


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In Maths we will be continuing this half term with multiplication and division. By the end of year 4, the children need to know all their times tables. Please ensure your child spends time at home learning the times tables they do not know. After Multiplication and Division, we will be learning about length and perimeter. The Fractions and finally decimals.

The overviews and lessons follow the White Rose Maths plans closely.

The link to their site with home learning and advice on can be found here:

Here is an overview of the year. 

Reading & Writing

In Writing, we will be writing Non Chronological reports on osprey. This will link to our text Sky Hawk by Gill Lewis. Sky Hawk is an intense and touching story of how protecting a rare bird forges a deep and special friendship between two children.                                                                        


In RSHE, we will be learning about How can we manage our feelings. We talk about all emotions being normal and strategies we can use to help us deal with our emotions. 


In Science, we will be studying studying States of Matter. This project teaches children about solids, liquids and gases and their characteristic properties. They observe how materials change state as they are heated and cooled, and learn key terminology associated with these processes.







We will be using our music platform, Charanga, which the children seem to be thoroughly enjoying. This half term, we will be doing the unit Stop!All the learning is focused around one song: Stop! - a rap/song about bullying. They will learn music through games, singing and composing


This half term in PE, we will do two units called ‘Throw, Prepare, Catch’ and ‘React, Roll, Retrieve’. These units will be focusing on throwing, catching and fielding skills. 

Design and Technology

In Design and Technology, we will complete a project called Functional and fancy fabrics. This project teaches children about home furnishings and the significant designer William Morris. They learn techniques for decorating fabric, including block printing, hemming and embroidery and use them to design and make a fabric sample.

Art and Design

In Art and Design we will be studying Vista. This project teaches children about the techniques that artists use when composing landscape images, such as colour and atmosphere.



Reading books are changed weekly, every Friday. Home readers should be returned on a Thursday so there is time to sort new books

Times table worksheet goes home every Friday and should be returned on Monday

On seesaw we have the kahoot quiz and spellings 

Please contact us if you have any problems accessing or completing homework

On a Friday afternoon, in class, we will be doing a Kahoot quiz based on the previous week's learning. The quiz will then be placed on Seesaw for the children to attempt at home. 


Here is your Year 4 Class Charter challenge sheet. You can also download a copy by clicking on the image.

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