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YEAr 4

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Our Topic this term is: Invasions

This project teaches children about life in Britain after the Roman withdrawal. Children will learn about Anglo-Saxon and Viking invasions up to the Norman conquest.


These activities are for you to do at home with an adult. You can do all of them or choose the ones that you find most interesting.

1. Investigate the connection between the Vikings and Whitby or York. Research online or even visit one of the towns to find out more.

2. Try baking Anglo Saxon or Viking flatbread (search online for recipes). Here are some ideas: Bread or shortbread (Anglo-Saxons) Cookies or stew (Vikings)

3. Write a short message using the Futhark alphabet, using letters or ‘runes’ as they were known. Vikings wrote on wood, bone and stone. What will you choose?

4. Draw, paint or create a poster or fact-file about a Viking God or Goddess.

5. Anglo Saxons and Vikings were fierce warriors. Research and make a weapon that they typical used in battle.

6. Look at images of Anglo Saxon coins and design or make your own.

7. Draw or make a map of Britain or Europe. Show where the Saxons and Vikings came from and/or how the country was divided between them.

8. Create a legend in the style of the King Arthur legend ‘The Sword and the Stone’. How is your hero going to prove that they are the heir to the throne?

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In Maths we will be starting the year with place value. The children will work with numbers to 10,000. Then we will move onto addition and subtraction. 

The overviews and lessons follow the White Rose Maths plans closely.

The link to their site with home learning and advice on can be found here:

Here is an overview of the year. 

Reading & Writing

In English we will be reading Anglo Saxon Boy by Tony Bradman . This is a fantastic story with great links to our topic and a great way of understanding the Anglo Saxons. We will be creating a diary, a letter and writing a five part story of our own linked to our reading.                                                                                     


In RSHE, we will be learning about how to treat each other with respect. This is a very important project which hopefully will engage the children as an important life skill.  


In Science, we will be studying Sound. This project teaches children about sound, how sound is made and how sound travels as vibrations through a medium to the ear. They learn about pitch and volume and find out how both can be changed.







We will be using our music platform, Charanga, which the children seem to be thoroughly enjoying. This half term we will begin to learn the song Mama Mia and other Abba songs.


In PE the first unit ‘Inspire, create, perform' allows the children the opportunity to perform a dance using a range of movement patterns. The second unit 'hands, feet, equipment' gives the children the opportunities to develop their ball skills focusing on coordination and control.

Design and Technology

In Design and Technology, we will complete a project called Fresh food, good food. This project teaches children about food decay and preservation. They discover key inventions in food preservation and packaging, then make examples. The children prepare, package and evaluate a healthy snack.

Art and Design

In Art and Design we will be studying warm and cool colours. This project teaches children about colour theory by studying the colour wheel and colour mixing. It includes an exploration of warm and cool colours, Aboriginal art and how artists use colour in their artwork.


Homework will be set and completed on Seesaw or on paper, this will be a mixture of maths, science and topic work. Spellings will be also be on seesaw. Home readers should be returned on a Thursday so that new books can be handed out on a Friday.

On a Friday afternoon, in class, we will be doing a Kahoot quiz based on the previous week's learning. The quiz will then be placed on Seesaw for the children to attempt at home. 


Here is your Year 4 Class Charter challenge sheet. You can also download a copy by clicking on the image.

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