At St Thomas Primary School we aim to provide a Geography curriculum which engages pupils, enhances curiosity and develops pupils who have a positive attitude for learning about themselves, others and the world around them. We want our pupils to think, discuss and work like Geographers. We do this through providing children with the Geography knowledge and skills needed to enable them to become independent learners and through opportunities given for pupils to carry out fieldwork to support their learning.
It is essential for children to be able to build connections between their current Geography knowledge and future learning across the curriculum.

At St Thomas Primary School we have a school curriculum that is designed to provide all children with a broad and balanced education, that engages and enhances their curiosity for the world around them by providing maximum opportunities for independence, practical learning and reflection. Geography at St Thomas is supported by the Cornerstones curriculum which takes account of the skills and knowledge every child needs to acquire to reach clear and defined end points.
Children are taught to apply their knowledge and skills when working like a Geographer and to use supporting sources to further enhance their understanding. We promote the enrichment of Geography skills and understanding through outdoor learning. By carrying out fieldwork, children develop problem solving, co-operation and interpersonal skills. Throughout the progression of Geography in our curriculum children are taught to reflect on their learning and consider the impact and consequences of their behaviour and actions on the present and future world.

At St Thomas Primary School children present their knowledge, understanding and skills in various forms such as written, verbally and through diagrams. Work is marked in accordance with the school marking policy and enables teachers to support progression through addressing any gaps in pupil knowledge and provides opportunities for pupils’ work to be celebrated. Pupils themselves play a crucial part in their own learning and are given opportunities to self and peer assess. This provides the opportunity for children to develop into reflective and independent learners.
The Geography curriculum is monitored throughout the year by the Geography leader. There is a Geography subject board which showing progression from EYFS to Y6 with age related work displayed. The leader ensures quality teaching and learning is taking place throughout the school, through carrying out various checks including monitoring work samples, planning scrutiny and Pupil Voice by talking to pupils about their learning. A written monitoring form is completed and feedback shared with staff.