Science is one of the core subjects of the National Curriculum, often relating to many other subject areas. Science allows children the opportunity to explore and understand the world around them as well as the uses and impact of science today and for the future. The children work scientifically in their activities in each year group so that they will build on the knowledge and skills they learn as they move through the school.
When planning, teachers consider the overall Learning Objective; a focus for the objective and the resulting Success Criteria in order to ensure that children develop secure understanding of each key block of knowledge and concepts in order to progress to the next stage.

At St Thomas Primary School we aim to encourage curiosity and develop a range of skills in order to help children to ask and answer questions, together with deepening their understanding of the world they live in. They are provided with a wide range of opportunities and resources and are actively encouraged to participate in hands on investigations and enquiries.
By promoting first hand experiences we hope to enthuse children in taking an active interest in science and deepen their appreciation of its contribution to all aspects of everyday life. In order to do this, lessons are not restricted to the classroom, but where possible we make use of our amazing outdoor facilities such as the playing field, playground and the outdoor classroom. This enables the children to develop their investigation skills, team work and problem solving skills.
The science projects covered are sequenced to develop both children’s substantive and disciplinary knowledge. These links allow for children to embed their knowledge in new and often real-life contexts.
Work undertaken during science lessons is mainly of a practical or oral nature, therefore recording of such work will invariably take a variety of forms. Work is marked in accordance with the school marking policy and enables teachers to support progression through addressing any gaps in pupil knowledge and provides opportunities for pupils’ work to be celebrated.
Throughout the year, progression will be monitored by the science lead through Cornerstones data, work samples, book checks, planning monitoring and pupil voice. Written feedback is shared with staff. A science display showcases progression in both work produced and vocabulary and skills learnt from Reception to Year 6.