Welcome to Reception's Learning Page

Mrs Littlewood

Mrs Dalby

Mrs Wilson
Mrs Fox
Miss Harrison
Our main project driver this half term is:

In the Starry Night project, your child will explore the differences between the world at night time compared with daytime, through a range of exciting and creative activities. They will find out about nocturnal animals and how they find food when it is dark. They will find out about people who work at night and the different jobs that people do when we are asleep. They will discuss bedtime routines and the importance of a good night’s sleep. They will explore the night sky and find out about the Moon and stars.
Support your child at home by...
Look at the night sky and see how many stars you can see each night.
See how the Moon changes shape each night.
Go on a short walk after dark or go into the garden. Take a torch to light the way. Discuss how things look different in the dark.
Create starry night pictures.
Children can access home learning activities by logging onto Seesaw. These are updated on a regular basis and support learning that is taking place in the classroom.
Our secondary project driver is...
In the Winter Wonderland project, your child will explore the seasonal changes that happen during winter. They will find out about the different weather associated with the winter season and explore changes that happens to water as it freezes. They will find out about what happens to plants and animals during cold weather and explore places in the world that are always cold and snowy, including the animals that live there.
Support your child at home by...
Go on a winter walk and talk about how the environment has changed since the summer months.
Put bird food out in the garden or on a window ledge and observe the birds that visit.
Leave water out in a shallow container overnight on a cold night and see if the water freezes.
If it snows, build a snowman, and take a photo of it to share with the rest of the class.
Again, don't forget to look out for the fun, weekly activities on our learning journal 'Seesaw' and what we have been up to in class on 'Tapestry'!


Describe your image
Here is our overview for this term.
Our focus will be to
Count forwards and backwards from 0-10.
Build and notice patterns with numbers 0-10.
Subitize from numbers 0-10.
Find and make different representations of numbers 0-10.
Recognise and match amount using numbers 0-10.
Increase a quantity by a given amount, while continuing to work within 10.
See and understand that a quantity of a group can be changed by adding more.
See and understand that a quantity of a group can be changed by taking some away.
Select 3D shapes for a specific purpose.
Explore how shapes will appear when rotated.
Manipulate shapes by exploring moving, turning, rotating and flipping shapes to fit into the spaces provided.
Explaining shape arrangements using positional language.
Compose and decompose shapes.
Find and explore 3D shapes in our environment.
Explore sharing and grouping objects.
Play with and build doubles.
Compare capacity & mass between different objects.
Explore and compare length & height.
Key books that we'd recommend that will support your child(ren's) understanding in this terms maths:
• Zero is the Leaves on the Tree by Betsy Franco • None the Number by Oliver Jeffers • Anno’s Counting Book by Mitsumasa Anno • I Spy Numbers by Jean Marzollo • The Ugly Five by Julia Donaldson • Five Small Stars by Elizabeth Matterson and Madge Bugden • Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson • Who Sank the Boat? by Pamela Allen • Balancing Act by Ellen Stoll Walsh • A Beach for Albert by Eleanor May • Handa’s Surprise by Eileen Browne • Sidney the Silly Who Only Eats 6 by M.W. Penn • Six Dinner Sid by Inga Moore • 1, 2, 3 to the Zoo by Eric Carle • Kipper’s Toybox by Mick Inkpen • Quack and Count by Keith Baker • Simon Sock by Sue Hendra and Paul Linnet
This half term we will be focusing on:
Giving meanings to marks as they draw.
Recognising and writing own name.
Writing recognisable letters, most of which are correctly formed.
Forming lower-case and capital letters correctly.
Reading simple phrases and sentences made up of words with known letter–sound correspondences and, where necessary, a few exception words.
Reading individual letters by saying the sounds for them.
Using one-handed tools and equipment, for example, making snips in paper with scissors.
Using a comfortable grip with good control when holding pens and pencils.
Drawing story maps.
Using phonic knowledge to write captions.
Using stories to create opportunities for writing across the areas of provision.
Re-reading what they have written to check that it makes sense.
Writing short sentences with words with known sound-letter correspondences using a capital letter and full stop.
Reading and Phonics
We are continuing our ELS phonics journey. Your child is learning the phase 2 and 3 sounds.
This half term we will be learning all about recognising phase 2 & 3 letters, segmenting cvc words with sounds we have learnt, then blending the sounds together.
We will continue to practice to read the harder to read and spell words daily. These have also been sent home with any phonics gaps for your child to practice. Books are changed every Friday and we ask that children practice reading at least four times a week.
Check out the following links to help at home:
This grapheme sheet and harder to spell and read words have been sent home but click the button below to see it online.
Both Reception classes will be doing PE on a Monday this half term.
Reading books will need to be returned by Thursday in order to send out a new book on Friday. Please ensure you bring your child's their reading book to school every day to support reading in school.

Here is your Reception Class Charter challenge sheet. You can also download a copy by clicking on the image.