At St Thomas, Computing skills build from Early Years to Year 6 by following the national Teach Computing scheme and Computing Skills Progression plan. Our curriculum is designed to help all pupils develop into keen, competent users of digital devices and content, so that each can play their part in an increasingly digital society. St Thomas pupils go on from using basic apps and typing their name to editing text, understanding E-Safety, creating and debugging programmes, to collecting and analysing data. Our curriculum facilitates all of the children, including children with SEND and those working at greater depth to become digital citizens, who can not only access technology, but can use it safely and effectively. As children master Computing at St Thomas, both in school time and with remote learning, they will become digital practitioners in High School and the wider world. As the National Curriculum sets out, we are teaching children to be responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology.

At St Thomas, Computing skills build from Early Years to Year 6 by following the national Teach Computing scheme and Computing Skills Progression plan, which caters for all children, including those with SEND and those working at greater depth. We provide a bespoke curriculum that is designed to help all pupils develop into keen, competent users of digital devices and content, so that each can play their part in an increasingly digital society. Our curriculum facilitates all of the children at St Thomas to become digital citizens, who can not only access technology, but can use it safely and effectively. As children master Computing at St Thomas, both in school time and with remote learning, they will become digital practitioners in High School and the wider world. As the National Curriculum sets out, we are teaching children to be responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology. At St Thomas teachers’ subject knowledge is audited annually and monitoring is undertaken termly to ensure teachers are fully equipped to teach the subject.

The Curriculum Impact of Computing at St Thomas is assessed in a variety of ways. Class teachers and ETAs follow the Teach Computing scheme and Skills Progression documents; they conduct Skills Audits with various apps and software; they use AFL to assess Computing work that is put in exercise books and on display. Both teacher planning and children’s outputs are regularly assessed by the Computing Subject Coordinator, while examples of best practice are shared with staff members and children alike, to promote the very best use of information and communication technology at St Thomas. Children who produce exemplary work are recognised with daily Class Dojo Points and celebrated in weekly Good Work Assemblies.